For the 12th year, Georgia Trend has asked the state’s attorneys to nominate their peers for recognition as one of Georgia’s Legal Elite. This year’s list of lawyers come from all corners of the state in 10 different practice areas: Bankruptcy/Creditors’ Rights, Business Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, General Practice, Labor & Employment, Personal Injury, Public Finance/Bonds and Taxes/Estates/Trusts.
To compile this listing, attorneys submitted their nominations via our website at Any attorney who is a member of the state bar and lives and practices in Georgia was eligible to vote and to be voted onto this list. Respondents were not allowed to vote for themselves. They could, however, vote for members of their own firms only if they voted for an equal or greater number of attorneys outside their firms.
The names of those with the most votes appear in the following pages in alphabetical order. They are listed in the categories into which their peers voted them, although some may practice in more than one area. The listings are determined solely by lawyers’ votes; places on the list are not for sale. The names of attorneys who are advertisers appear in red type. Ballots were tallied and names verified by the Georgia Trend editorial staff.


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