Happy Father’s Day weekend!How much do you know about the rights of dads in the workplace? Take our quiz and find out! As always, the answers appear immediately after the questions, so you can cheat all you want, as long as your cheating doesn’t disturb...
It sounds dreamy doesn’t it? The other morning on my drive to work, I heard a story on the radio program Marketplace about four day workweeks. According to the most recent Marketplace – Edison Research Poll, nearly two-thirds of the workers...
“It’s 2019. All of our employees have been on Facebook for years. Many are also on Twitter, and Instagram, and … We don’t need to do any social media training.” If you’ve had these thoughts or internal conversations, allow me to offer Exhibit 1 as to why you are...
It is prime time of the year for hiring “interns.” They usually are high school, college or even graduate students looking for work experience. Certain interns may be unpaid (the analysis of whether interns must be paid is an important issue but beyond the scope of...
Eww.In Canada, sex addiction is apparently not a disability. (Whether it is under the Americans with Disabilities Act remains to be seen, but I don’t think so.)A labor arbitrator has upheld the termination of an employee in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who was fired...