Philadelphia’s New Wage Theft Ordinance: What Employers Need to Know

On July 1, 2016, the Philadelphia Wage Theft Ordinance went into effect. The Ordinance creates a new avenue for complaints alleging nonpayment of wages or “wage theft,” and the position of “Wage Theft Coordinator” to facilitate enforcement.While the Ordinance...

NLRB Strikes Healthcare Facility Conduct Rules

The National Labor Relations Board  (NLRB) has provided clear signals that the unique, patient-centric environments of general hospital and medical centers—and even surgical services and perianesthesia departments—will not justify any departure from its sweeping...

Applicant tracking and the EEOC: “You can SUE us for that?”

Did you realize that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can sue you just for (allegedly) lousy recordkeeping?No discrimination, no harassment, no retaliation — just (alleged) failure to keep adequate records.Well, it’s true. Back in 2010, the agency was...


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