Nasty language may be protected concerted activity, court says

Non-union employers, this goes for you, too! An employee’s use of bad language doesn’t necessarily mean that the employer can take action against him. Even if the language arguably violates the employer’s no-harassment policy. If the bad language...

EEOC update to COVID guidance is ho-hum

And, for that, we should be grateful. This week, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission updated its guidance on COVID-19 and the laws that the agency enforces. In my opinion, it’s pretty unremarkable. Which is good news. “Government...

Forced religion and work do not mix

I believe that everyone’s relationship with God (whether you call that deity God, Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Buddha, something else, or nothing at all) is personal. I have no opinion on your spiritual relationship, as should you have none on mine. Thus, I get...


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