Federal Wage Laws Protect Cannabis Workers? Yes, They Do

So imagine that your biggest pothead friend from college has opened up a cannabis dispensary that sells weed for recreational use. Your old pal would be selling something that remains utterly unlawful under federal law, the recent and sweeping changes to state law...

Second-guessing the advice columns: Get off my lawn!

Millennials, can you relate to your older co-workers? Everybody and their dog has workshops these days on how older workers should relate to Millennials. That’s a fine idea, but does anyone ever offer a workshop to Millennials on how to relate to their older...

Why are so many employers discriminating against lactating moms?

Women were told to pump in their manager’s office or a meeting room without locks, where they were walked in on repeatedly. Many had to pump in view of security cameras. In two separate cases, restaurant workers were instructed to pump behind the bread racks, leaving...


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