Consider the following allegations of sexual harassment levied by Pamela Daniels, a secretary in the Pike County Prosecutor’s Office, against her boss, County Prosecutor Charles Robert Junk.And then let’s answer the age-old question—lawful (but awful) bullying or...
When Trump was a brand-new President (or force of nature, depending on how you look at it), we observed that the dawn of his administration would not necessarily augur wholesale changes to the overall landscape of legal concerns for employers. Why? ...
It’s been a while since I’ve picked on an advice columnist for leading readers astray on employment law, but we have one, from the usually-sound Work Advice column by Karla Miller of The Washington Post.The letter writer complains that her employer is...
While many were hoping that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would finally be dead by now, and others are lamenting the fact that the “repeal-and-replace” attempts have fallen by the wayside, we thought it may be worthwhile to remind people that the ACA has not gone...
Late last week, a federal judge in Texas struck down the Department of Labor’s attempt to raise the salary test for the Fair Labor Standards Act’s white-collar exemptions from $455 per week to $913 per week. The court held that because the statute defines the...